This year we added roasting pumpkin for our pumpkin pies. I always make my own pumpkin instead of canned pumpkin from the store. I usually boil in down on the stove and it is not an easy task! It was a nice surprise to find roasting the pumpkin in our Roundboy Oven was very easy. The results were a sweeter thicker pumpkin filling for my pies. We made the pumpkin filling a few weeks before and then froze it. We also took a trip to a turkey farm for a delicious turkey breast. On the big day we roasted our turkey in the wood fired oven as usual. The conversation at the table was all about the turkey and the morning was spent around the oven with everyone having a hand in the roasting. Very different from the days of me in the kitchen preparing everything myself!
Cut the top off the pumpkin |
scrape out the insides and coat with olive oil |
cut the pumpkin in half and place inside down on a baking sheet |
We roasted in our Roundboy at a temperature around 400* and the pumpkin was done when the skin was shriveled and soft. |
I scraped out the pumpkin from its skin and used my food processor to blend to a creamy filling. I froze the pumpkin in 2 cup quantities as the recipe calls for |
Delicious! My pie recipe you can find here Pumpkin Pie |